One of my favorite people to talk to is Mike Jenkins out Up Front Outfitters. He knows everything about big-game. In Washington state, there is no spring bear and it is illegal to hunt with hounds or bait as it has been for about 20 years plus. Oregon is the same way so our predator population is out of control. I have between 10 and 12 game cameras in the field and I have bear’s weekly on every one of my cameras. So there are great bear populations but they are very elusive. Because we can’t bait and because we can’t use hounds many people do not see them. If there are berries around, you can see tunnels and trails where the bears just demolish berry patches. In one of my cameras, I had seven bears in one day. They came down to eat the berries. So spot and stalk, right. Yes. Calling in the right area, if you can set up, there are a lot of bears and they are eager to come to a call. Especially, this time of the year when the fonds are young and an easy meal. Let me get this straight. You don’t use a call like a sow calling in a boar, right? My favorite call is a distress call.