Yesterday, Kevin Rasmussen had taken a shot at a deer, hit it and it dropped. Kevin walked down to where he had last seen the deer. Speaker2: There's some blood right there. I'm like, Oh, no, it wandered off. And so for the next probably hour, we're looking for any kind of tracks. Couldn't find it. So finally, my son's up on top of this little mountain and he sees this red spot on the ground. So now all four of us are up there and I'm scratching. I'm like, I think it's algae or like, maybe it's blood. We're going back and forth on it, and that thing jumps up right next to us and starts taking off, unload ten rounds and don't hit anything and start running after this thing. It's running down the hill down to this canyon, but over these little humps and it keeps running and running. So my nephew running, and he gets quite a bit ahead of me because he's in much better shape than me at the time playing soccer for college. But I leave my brother in law, my son. I mean, we're way ahead of them. So now we're down a couple of miles down the canyon there, and my nephew goes, Well, I'm not going any farther because there's no way we're going to catch it. You see exactly where it was. He goes, Yeah, with that next hill. It's just right there. It's probably bedded down. So I said, I'm going to walk down the canyon. I'm going to circle back around and try to chase it back up the hill. And so I walked down that hill a little farther than I think I need to go so I can chase it back up the hill. But all of a sudden that thing pops up right next to me. I'm like, Wow, it's sitting there. And so all I have is this pistol. I remember it's I'm breathing really hard. And so I take one shot at it. You know, your heart's going, I'm breathing hard, so I can't tell where I'm shooting. Speaker1: Was he shooting high? Was he shooting low? I guess we'll have to find out tomorrow.