One Sensor From Seed to Storage
Tim Hammerich
News Reporter
Remote soil monitoring devices, like the one developed at Soiltech Wireless, help farmers get back one of their most valuable assets: their time. CEO and founder Ehsan Soltan says their beacon collects data along all stages of the plant’s lifecycle, from pre-seed to storage and processing.
Soltan… “So the device is a moisture, temperature, humidity, location, and crop damage sensor. And for 2023 we’ve added CO2, methane, and we’ll be trialing out NPK as well, as well as EC. So the device could be buried under the ground to help monitor moisture and temperature. It could be placed above the ground in the crop canopy or the trunk of the tree to monitor temperature, humidity, and track things like growing degree days. It can be harvested right out the ground so in a case of tubers, like potatoes, sugar beets, and onions, this can be mechanically harvested and during that process, we monitor the bumps and vibrations of that curr that can lead to crop damage and crop loss. We allow the device to go onto trucks. We use GPS to follow it as its moving from the field, to translocation, processing plant, or storage facility. And then we can go into storage and monitor temperature, humidity, and CO2, and other variables that could need to be monitored while you’re storing a crop for the long term.”
Again, that’s Ehsan Soltan of Soiltech Wireless.