

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
Elk hunters, here’s a question. If you are wanting to get a nice big bull, what do you use, a cow call or a bugle? The answer, in the minds of a lot of hunters, is both. A cow call does not threaten the bull. If you can get a bull to answer with a cow call and he is aggressive and loves what he hears, then that is probably what you should stay with. Sometimes you can get them going with a cow call and they will answer but they will just hang. In those circumstances you might try with a bugle. It is challenging, aggressive, it's obnoxious, it's in his face, he doesn’t want to hear it. Sometimes a high pitch, nonthreatening bugle can be very aggravating to the bull you are looking for. Listen to this. It is very important not to intimidate, just to aggravate and challenge. I asked Brandon Lobo what his preference was and he gave me a suggestion as well as a note of caution. “Be sure, before you use a bugle out on a hunt that you have practiced. Get it wrong and the bull you are looking for will know right away.”
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