Recognizing Alabama’s Historic Farms
With your Southeast Regional Ag News, I am Haylie Shipp. This is the Ag Information Network.Have a farm that’s been in operation in the family for at least 100 years? Then listen up! The Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries (ADAI) is now accepting applications for their annual Century & Heritage (C & H) Farm and Bicentennial Farm programs. ADAI created these programs to help recognize and celebrate family farms that have significantly impacted Alabama history and agriculture.
A Century Farm is one that has been in the same family continuously for at least 100 years and currently has agricultural activities on the farm. The farm must include at least 40 acres of land and be owned by the applicant or nominee.
A Heritage Farm is one that has been operated continuously as a family farm for at least 100 years. The farm must possess significant historical and agricultural aspects, including one or more structures at least 40 years old. The farm must also include at least 40 acres of land owned and operated by the applicant, who must reside in Alabama.
Head to the ADAI website for application details. The deadline is Friday, August 25.