Today we are visiting with Bill Burnett, an accomplished California outdoorsman who travels all over the West Coast and the Northwest as he fishes, hunts, harvests, cooks and enjoys every second that he spends in the wilderness. Today Bill has some tips about selecting locations for hunting wild pigs and you might be surprised by what Bill has to tell you regarding private and public land. “Our boar hunts are a little bit off the standard track that you would normally encounter. A good friend of mine has a large ranch with a landing strip on it as well and what we would do is fly directly onto his ranch that is at the base of the foothills of the northern Central Valley along with all of its agriculture. If you are going to hunt pigs most of the hunting that is worth pursuing is on private property and that is the biggest problem that you are going to find is getting access to where the pigs are. If you are looking to hunt property with the intent of saving money it’s probably not going to happen. Over 90% of the pigs that are killed are killed on private property. For about $350 there are several pickups throughout the state where your success rate is close to 95% whereas if you’re going to try to pursue pigs on public property I can guarantee you’re going to spend a lot more than that just in gas trying to find a place where you can access public property where you can find a pig population that is big enough to hunt.” By the way you'd be doing a lot of farmers and ranchers a big favor if you reduce the population of wild pigs since they are devastating to crops and grazing.