Camera theft
VA Landowner Sues Game Warden For Stealing Trail CameraThere’s been a number of stories lately of over-zealous game wardens crossing the line for the sake of protecting fish and game. It wasn’t too long ago that we reported on one hunter that had his buck mounts stolen by game wardens over some far-fetched, false accusations that ultimately didn’t go in the offending officers favor.
However, the latest news of officers overstepping their bounds comes out of Virginia where a landowner recently sued a game warden for stealing a trail camera off his own property.
The Institute for Justice (IJ) has been on a mission in recent years helping hunters, landowners, homeowners, and many others defend their freedom.
What Happened?
There’s been a lot of controversy in recent years over whether or not state game wardens should have the right to trespass on a private landowner without first presenting a warrant. Regardless, that’s only one of the issues Virginia resident, Josh Highlander, took up with a local game warden. Not only did the warden come on to his property, but the officer stole a trail camera from Highlander’s food plot, located a short distance from his home.
Highlander is now teamed up with the Institute for Justice to sue the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources for invading and taking his property.