NASA Wants Producers to Drive Climate Solutions
Bradley Dorn, Program Manager for the agriculture area in NASA’s Applied Research Program says NASA has been using satellites to look at agriculture on earth for the past 50 years.“Doing global assessments of agriculture production, global knowledge of weather events and weather extremes, and trying to understand our weather better and share that with, the National Weather Service. Now, today, like with everything that we see in this area, the technology exploding; capabilities exploding. Our data is getting down to that farm level where we are starting to have more and more tools that are relevant at the farm management level, and at the level that they have to assess policies. And so we said it's time we have more direct and focused discussions with producers in the ag community because they're going to be driving the solutions. We provide information, but we need to know what their challenges are, what their tools are, so we can integrate our data into what they need.”