Green Paint and Six Zeroes
With your Southeast Regional Ag News, I am Haylie Shipp. This is the Ag Information Network.Green paint and a lot of zeroes!
Building on 80 years of partnership, John Deere announced a donation of $1 million to the National FFA Organization. The donation will support the growth of future leaders, feed agriculture's talent pipeline, and honor the organization's community service efforts. John Deere is the longest-running sponsor of the National FFA Organization and continues to advocate for FFA, its members, and advisors.
National FFA Foundation President Molly Ball says, "For more than 80 years, they've been unwavering in their support and continue to see the potential leaders in each one of our members and our advisors.”
In addition to supporting the organization financially, John Deere also has many employees who are former FFA members or supporters of the organization. As a result, they have one of the country's largest FFA Alumni & Supporters chapters. The chapter will be involved during FFA Week, offering members opportunities to participate in activities promoting FFA and supporting local chapters.
Again, John Deere with a one-million-dollar donation to the national FFA organization.