Managing the Ups & Downs of Fertilizer
With your Southeast Regional Ag News, I am Haylie Shipp. This is the Ag Information Network.Looking to manage your fertilizer dollars without negatively impacting your yield? If there was ever a year to take a fine-tooth comb through your finances, this is it. A short while back I chatted with Brian Carrol, a Product Specialist with Helena…
“It’s highly likely that nutrient deficiencies will pop up due to these adjustments being made. My recommendation is to make tissue sampling a priority this season. You can use our Extractor tissue sample program. You can help identify deficiencies before they create a problem.”
Brian also had the recommendation to supplement your conventional fertilizer with Coron Metra…
“Coron Metra contains unique adhesive properties to stay on target and provide longer availability to the plant, so you get better uptake through that foliar application more safely. And that approach allows you to you provide that timely nutrition throughout the season when demand is at its highest. That helps manage the ups and downs of the fertilizer market.”
He says that Coron is more than just nitrogen because it contains Helena’s ENC technology…
“And that technology enhances that plant’s ability to take up those nutrients and utilize those nutrients more efficiently.”
If you’d like more information, you can visit You can also contact your local Helena retailer.