Bolster Biosecurity as Bird Flu Migrates West
Around 23 million birds have been destroyed nationwide to control a Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza causing disease in commercial and backyard poultry.California issued quarantine and precautionary entry requirements back in February for "all live poultry, hatching eggs and poultry products" coming from regions with reported outbreaks.
While the deadly virus hasn't reached the Golden State, experts advice increased biosecurity measures like perimeter control procedures and keeping chickens away from wild birds. Employees are required to use sanitized and dedicated clothing, gloves and masks while working with poultry.
Experts worry an outbreak is very possible in California as the virus continues to threaten western producers. Just last week, Idaho’s Department of Agriculture confirmed two separate outbreaks.
Idaho State Veterinarian Dr. Scott Leibsle…
“Both of these facilities will need to keep their properties empty for many avian species for a period of time to allow the cleaning and decommunization process to be complete.”
“And that includes if you’re next to surface water, a pond or something and ducks and geese are taking off or coming in for a landing, they can drop fecal material in and around your property. And that can absolutely be a source of infection.”
According to USDA, this strain of Avian Influenza requires rapid response because it is highly contagious and often fatal to chickens.