Killing Mites

Killing Mites

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
Bee Hive Thermal Industries, located in Pageland, South Carolina, is Is attempting to be a global leader in the design, development and distribution of organically suitable products for the bee industry. An organic and noninvasive solution in targeting and killing Varroa Mite infestations, that are killing honey bees, was developed by the joined forces of, Bee Hive Thermal Industries and OVEN Industries, who are experts in temperature control.

We all know “honey bees are in serious trouble worldwide”.  There are a few main reasons that can be listed in this dilemma and most experts will most likely agree that the Varroa Mite is near or at the top of that list.  Bee Hive Thermal Industries designed this Thermal System utilizing an industrial grade heater blanket and electronic controls which are easily installed and removed from the hive.  The end goal of the product is to raise the temperature of the hive to a programmed temperature, killing the mites without harming the bees based on studies done in Europe.

In the fight against today’s Varroa Mites, beekeepers are often, if not always, resorting to pesticides as the solution.  Bees have many other predators and hardships to endure, including weather related issues such as cold temperatures, moisture and diseases.  The effect of the Mite on the overall colony is paralyzing to both general activity and honey production within the hive.  This product is showing positive results in killing and controlling mites and hive beetles, with only a few applications annually. For show listings click here

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