The Timber Industry Oct 28th

Mike Stephens
News Reporter
Ever since the spotted owl came in 20 years ago, they're trying to protect all species of animals, which which I understand that you need to protect people to. I mean, they've put so many restrictions. The last three weeks, we've been cutting dead trees along roads that are hazardous to the road, and we've worked on about four miles. We've cut over two thousand two hundred trees that are dead and not good for anything. You can write a letter and file an injunction on a project, and it stops it until the Forest Service puts it on hold until their injunction is answered. It's ludicrous. I mean, they're losing millions millions of dollars.
The lack of forest management is contributing to the massive wildfires.
They don't manage the forest at all. That's why we're having catastrophic fires. I'm 67 years old, and when I was a kid, 20 25, a 10000 acre fire was a big fire. Now, a 10000 acre fire is a campfire you have in your backyard. We're not going to have a green forest if they don't do something. It's all going to be black.