Fertilizer application  Oct 19

Fertilizer application Oct 19

Mike Stephens
Mike Stephens
News Reporter
For California AG today, I'm Mike Stephens. Growers need to prepare the soil as well as tree canopies. We continue with Dylan Rogers, sales account manager with agro liquid. He explains the need to water and apply fertilizers. I'd say top of mind right now for growers, if they are done with harvest would be post-harvest fertility. We've still got almonds being shipped, so we're kind of on the tail end of harvest there. But I think the next step for growers is one getting water turned back on to get water back on those stressed trees. If guys have water getting that shot on and help and put those reserves build some carbohydrates, put those trees to bed to help them out, get through the winter. Definitely. Consider pulling soil samples. See where the soil is at. Make sure things are in balance. Check for deficiencies in the soil. Address those deficiencies via liquid fertilizer or drive fertilizer. In almonds in particular, boron is especially important. Post-harvest growers can take an almond hole sample, get a boron level, see if they're sufficient or deficient, and post-harvest is a good time to apply boron as well. A lot of guys will go out and put a post harvest. Full year spray on roots are still active at this time as well, so let's soil applied for. Mitigation is sufficient as well as a full year. Do definitely take a look at the trees. Make sure you still got good green foliage there and make sure everything's not synced and dying off. That way, you could take full advantage of that foliar fertilizer. I would definitely recommend something soil applied as well.
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