Incentives for Groundwater Recharge
Tim Hammerich
News Reporter
This week we’ve been reporting on the potential for farmers to participate in groundwater recharge. UC Davis associate professor of integrated hydrologic sciences Helen Dahlke encourages growers to reach out to local Groundwater Sustainability Agencies, or GSA’s.
Dahlke… “Most GSA's as mentioned are planning on doing more recharge because there is an interest in getting more water underground for various purposes, not just having more water in the subsurface, but also to alleviate subsidence or improve water quality. So if your GSA has those goals, talk to them and see if they have, for example, an incentive program that you can participate. Tulare Irrigation District, for example, has a very nice one that you can take a look at. And then I would say participate in the community meetings where you have open discussions about how you can accomplish the SGMA goals.”
Dahlke says recharge is an important step toward sustaining our groundwater resources, but it’s not the only answer.
Dalhke… “So most likely some regions will have to make other adjustments such as land fallowing or they might have to grow, maybe more acreage in a low water use crop. So not maybe the most highly intensive crops that need a lot of water just to get even in the end.”
Reach out to your local GSA to learn more.