

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
Yesterday we talked about water in Idaho, as in snowpack and the potential for water as it relates to farmers and ranchers Now we have a different take on water. It's a sight that stops people dead in their tracks, Surf's up in Garden City. On the green belt in 36 degree weather in front of snow capped mountains, brave souls donned wet suits in freezing water. Surfer J Austin Fernand “I love surfing, love board sports. I mean, I was a landlocked state as close as I can get to real surfing. It's fun. It's not that cold. I got a pretty thick wetsuit on. And you got to have a wetsuit and swim to the wave is a shock to the system. What's it like? Definitely cold. You know, you got to have a thick wetsuit, but, you know, you're paddling around enough that you can stay warm. And, you know, Boise winters aren't too bad, actually. And it's really no fun to fall in freezing water. To get in that little trap, which is like nothing I've ever done before. It's like floating, it's completely different rather than going on a wave, having a crash behind you and you're trying to stay in front of the white water or in the barrel, you're just floating on the waves. You just all surf back and forth get foot placement is like surfing, but you ride a lot smaller surfboard. There are some guys out here that can read it, they could read it all day long. And everybody's going surfing, catching waves and sitting on top of the world for the

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