Grizz & Moose 2

Grizz & Moose 2

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
Yesterday,We heard that Dawn Colias’ husband and a friend had gone up to a river in Alaska via floatplane, and the pilot dropped them off to go on a fishing trip. They had caught some fish and were still fishing when all of a sudden they saw two small bull moose running down through the shallow river. They both knew something was very wrong. They kept watching and along came a huge grizzly after the moose. The grizzly got close enough to them that they were in imminent danger. Dawn’s husband had a big pistol but was sufficiently unnerved that… Let’s let Dawn pick up the story: “He said he was shaking so hard they could not have possibly hit the bear. The bear came out and jumped on the area where they had been standing and was looking around. Something was wrong. He was either injured or something but very hungry. They dropped their fish so that he would get the fish and then the plane came down and buzzed and then landed. They went back the next day. Now this is what my husband told me, I didn’t see it myself, but he wears a size 13 shoe. He told me that he could put both of his feet in one bear paw print. He said it was huge. So the bear never charged him? No. Well he couldn’t see them. Bears have very poor eyesight.
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