Cowgirl Compost 2
The last couple of days we have learned that Jennifer Cummins and her husband Trent have started a business called Cowgirl Compost where they process dairy manure in such a way as to produce a very rich compost that can be bagged up and sold. At least that's the theory. The next question… where do you sell it or who do you sell it to? Here's Jennifer:“We were originally thinking about approaching Albertsons because that's an Idaho company. They use a specific platform called So I signed us up on range me and it was through this platform that I heard about Wal-Mart's open call. We had no idea whether they were even considering soil amendments but I thought well we'll give it a shot and we'll see what happens. And maybe a week later, two weeks later we got the invitation to go back to their open call event in Bentonville. So we went and it was an amazing experience. They treated us very well. They gave us a lot of really valuable information and then we had our individual meeting with our buyer and they were also very competent, very gracious and we seem to be what they were looking for. We were fortunate. We stood up and shook hands and we have a deal. God willing and the creek don't rise. This stuff flies off the shelf in Boise. Does that mean you'll get national exposure with Wal-Mart.
I think it remains to be seen those are all intricacies that we still have to work out with Wal-Mart. A lot of times soil amendment businesses are regional because what's produced regionally is usually best for what the regional soils need. But we'll just have to see how things go.
Jennifer is one sharp cookie who also graduated from law school.