Organic Dairy

Organic Dairy

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
Bob Bansen and his family milk 200 cows on 470 acres of pasture in Oregon. Their organic farm, Emerald Veil Jerseys, is a 5th generation family farm, but Bansen reveals that he might not be in business long enough to pass down the dairy farm to the 6th generation. He claims all American dairy is threatened by overproduction, but pastured real organic dairy is not overproducing. There are millions of people still willing to pay a premium for real organic milk. They just have trouble finding it.

Word is getting out that certified organic is not always as pasture-based as it should be. The majority of organic milk is now coming from large confinement CAFOs, where the cows are fed in a lot and the feed is grown far, far away. 

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