Idaho Sod 1

Idaho Sod 1

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
We took a trip down near Idaho falls to meet up with Idaho Sod owner Kurt Schwieder. My name is Kurt Schwester, I was going to college and married back in 2000 and looking for something to do and I was involved in agriculture up at Riggs and then going to University of Idaho through the extension services in agribusiness. And I've always loved agriculture. So I was looking for something to do. And and the sod farm kind of became that. You know, we get a lot of people that will come pick up sod. And generally they're interested in the operations and they're interested in the equipment and how we do it. And they ask a lot of questions. And so, you know, people are welcome to when they go out. I guess I don't have people just come out just to to just see what's going on. But usually when we get people coming out to pick up sod, you know, they're very inquisitive and interested in what we do. How we do it. It all starts with a, you know, preparing the seabed in a field somewhere. And actually if you go back when I look for a good piece to put into sod, I need a good clean from weeds and rocks and other things, good, clean soil, something that has been crop rotated. And that's, you know, in good standing.
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