Hell's Canyon
Josh Mills visits paradise.Recently, I was given an opportunity to finally really go up in the Hell's Canyon and see what a beautiful, beautiful river the Snake is up there and how incredibly dramatic the scenery and how good the fishing can be. A guided trip with Hell's Canyon Sport Fishing with Captain Jason Schultz. And we have a great time. Hell’s Canyon is as breathtaking as it can be. I don't really have words how dramatic the scenery is. It's full of wildlife and OH! was the bass fishing Awesome. We were up there just really sightseeing. We went from as far as you can drive up is where the Grand Ronde dumps into the Snake River twenty one miles south of Lewiston. And we made it all the way up to I think we went fifty two or fifty four miles up to what they call Pittsburgh landing, where you can drive into and actually launch a boat from where launch or whatever. But that's 50 or so plus Miles. You just sat back and you're just going, oh my God, this is the most breathtaking stuff I think I've seen in a long time. And every time we pulled over and threw our flies or jigs in the water, we had hungry smallmouth getting after it. And we had just a fantastic day. The only negative was that we did so well that I was the nice guy, volunteered to filet all the bass the next day when I got back home. But what a remarkable trip. If you really want to see one of the wonders of the world that I would really say is Hell’s Canyon. Through that stretch, I would get a hold of Hell’sCanyonsportfishing.com and go up and see that. And then Jason and his team also are accomplished steelhead guys. So we're talking about Lewis and Clark and the appropriate tributaries of the Snake from there. Never been there,SS Hell's Canyon going to do it.