On-line for rural Idaho

On-line for rural Idaho

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
We’ve all been listening to Idaho schools shutting down and the kids are going to be taking classes on-line. Rural Development Deputy Undersecretary Betty Brand says an application period is now underway for technologies relating to distance learning and telemedicine and will run until July 30th, a process that is electronic submission of applications only.

And it's really to give access for that distance learning and telemedicine to make it easier for rural residents to take advantage of the health care and educational opportunities without having to travel long distances or be among a large group of people.

The deputy undersecretary adds that also related to distance learning and telemedicine grants, USDA has made implementation of the funding that we received through the Terrorist Act, and one of those programs that receive money was the Distance Learning and telemedicine program. And so in addition to the round two that we've opened up and the money that's available now, there's an additional 25 million that will soon become available for the distance learning and telemedicine program with the application details to be announced in coming weeks.

More information about the distance learning and telemedicine grant program or application processes and periods related to it are available online at W WW dot r.d dot U.S.D.A. dot gov. Rod been reporting for the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Washington, D.C..

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