Improving Technology on the Farm
Improving Technology on the FarmTechnology on the farm keeps moving agriculture forward...
Off-target movement of herbicides has been a challenge for U.S. agriculture over the last couple of years. However, Precision Laboratories is working on changing that.
Don Spier of Precision Labs says his company is working on drift reduction technology.
Precision Laboratories is adding a new seed coating polymer to the PRISM™ line. PRISM SCP2020 is designed for optimized coverage, minimum dust-off, maximum retention of actives, improved seed flow and enhanced plantability.
PRISM SCP2020 improves seed to seed uniformity and treatment delivery. The minimum dust-off feature delivers enhanced operator and environmental safety along with treatment efficacy. This also maximizes retention, ensuring that the active ingredient is delivered to the field for treatment performance. Improved seed flow reduces treater bridging for application and planting ease, which can ultimately improve stand and yield.
“SCP2020 is an exciting new seed coating polymer offering that provides multiple benefits to the seed processor and grower,” says Dr. Rob Osburn, product manager. “With excellent seed coverage, and industry-leading dust-off reduction and coating retention, the application of SCP2020 ensures seed treatment uniformity and protects the seed treatment investment, while also reducing potential environmental exposure risk.”
The new PRISM product can be applied with all seed treatment pesticides or other seed-applied products through commercial seed-treating equipment. The easy-to-handle formulation provides excellent mixing and slurry compatibility.