Consumers Today Pt 2
With today's Fruit Grower Report, I'm Bob Larson. We talked yesterday about how technology is changing the world we live in at every turn, even for Fruit Growers and how they present their product to consumers looking for convenience.George Szczepanski with the Produce Marketing Association says Social Media is a major player in branding your product in today's market ...
SZCZEPANSKI ... "Social Media presents an opportunity for conveying information to the consumer beyond what can fit on the real estate of your package. There's an opportunity for brands to share their story, and we certainly have a lot of really good stories here in the Northwest of family farms who are sending some really high quality products out there."
Szczepanski says it's important to be mindful of the
changes, but also to leverage the way they're distributing ...
SZCZEPANSKI ... "I think that one of the real central changes is that consumers aren't only going to the grocery store and only asking the clerk in the produce section and only making breakfast, lunch and dinner. Those may be important, but they are also consuming at snacks. They're getting their information online and they're buying their produce from other channels including delivery, C-Store, Club Store, and even meal kits which are really gaining traction. So looking to continue to expand channels of distribution and methods of distributing information, to not lose that core business with the retailer, but to keep adding to it."
Szczepanski says convenient packaging and convenient delivery sources are going to be key for producers moving forward.
BL: Welcome back to another "Fruit Bites" brought to you by Valent U.S.A. With us as always is Valent's Allison Walston. And this week Allison, tell me what kinds of fruit will be in-season this month?
AW: The month of June brings us strawberries, like really good strawberries that are perfect for making jams and pies. I hope you saved some rhubarb.
BL: And, we also might begin to see early varieties of cherries in a week or two ...
AW: A mid-June start to blueberries from the PNW. Our blueberries will compete with rain-delayed CA blueberries hitting the market around the same time.
BL: Will we have any delays here in the PNW?
AW: Yes, and we already are seeing delays in boysenberries and raspberries which are typically harvested in June.
BL: What happened up here?
AW: Cold temperatures in February damaged a lot of the caneberries. This winter injury can take out a lot of fruiting wood and produce less fruit. So please, go out and support your local berry farmers this season as they are having a tough time this year.
BL: Besides, they're tasty! Thanks Allison. Join us again next time for Fruit Bites, brought to you by Valent. Until then, I'm Bob Larson.