Zippy Duvall and the Farm Bill
The two largest farming groups in the United States have called for swift passage of the farm bill by a congressional conference committee.The presidents of the American Farm Bureau Federation and National Farmers Union are asking Senate and House conferees to move quickly.
The American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall says agriculture needs timely passage of the bill.
"We're facing a perfect storm where we don't have a new farm bill yet, we have labor issues on the farm, commodity prices are low and then we have that negative influence from the tariffs that are out there. So, farmers need some certainty in their future and the farm bill plays a major role in bringing some certainty to rural America."
And he says, there is no time to waste...
"Congress has done a great job getting this farm bill to conference. Now is the time to finish this deal. Our farmers and ranchers are depending on them to deliver a good risk management toolbox, so that we can have certainty in the future."
American Farm Bureau Federation and National Farmers Union, together with more than 150 other organizations, want the farm bill to pass an on-time or before the September 30 expiration of the 2014 farm bill.