For your Agri-Business Update. Global trends mean new opportunities for agri business said Chris Nolan with PricewaterhouseCoopers when he gave the keynote address at the 2016 Export Exchange co-sponsored by the US Grains Council and the Renewable Fuels Association. One trend highlighted was the accelerating growth of the middle class. "To be in the middle class means you consume more calories and your diet includes protein and that equates to increased protein consumption, so investment in the protein value chain will be required. good news for beef producers. From ag-wired, groups like the National Association of Wheat Growers, National Barley Growers, Corn Growers and US Canola Association are among a host of farm groups that came together to ask Farm Management information Systems companies to all use the new Ag Gateway ADAPT framework so there would interoperability between precision ag systems. Several key companies are all working to release plug-ins for their technology. Timelines for plug-in development vary by manufacturer, but most will be ready this winter or 2017."