Owyhee Basin Stewardship Coalition in D.C.

Owyhee Basin Stewardship Coalition in D.C.

The Owyhee Basin Stewardship Coalition has been working hard to bring awareness to the possible national monument designation of the Owyhee Canyonlands — 2.5 million acres located in Southeastern Oregon’s Malheur County. An area bigger than Delaware and Rhode Island combined. Elias Eiguren, a Jordan Valley Rancher and treasurer of the Owyhee Basin Stewardship Coalition shares more about a recent trip of members of the coalition to Washington, D.C
Eiguren: “We went back mostly because we had an appointment with the Council of Environmental Quality with the Forestry Commission from Western Oregon. We had been invited to join them in discussing public lands issues in Oregon. So we went there to stress the fact that we believe a national monument designation by the president is the wrong thing to do in southern Malheur County in terms of trying to improve the land quality.
He adds it was valuable meeting with agencies and the elected officials in person.
Eiguren: “Just re-emphasize the speaking points that we have been telling them along. To be able to go back there to D.C. and look around and show folks that our organization is for real and this is something that we are not taking lightly.”
If you haven’t already signed the petition, asking that the Owyhee Canyonlands not be designated, please do so at www.ourlandourvoice.com.


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