Advice For Marketing Your Calves

Advice For Marketing Your Calves

When the market is in a downturn, having active and interested buyers in your cattle becomes even more important. AgriBeef Company Marketing Department's Alethea Prewett shares some advice for ranchers looking for cattle buyers to purchase their calves repeatedly. The first piece of advice is to focus on using good genetics in your herd and second she says

Prewett: "To make sure that all of that hard work is not put to waste, by not producing healthy cattle. So we want to be sure that we are always raising cattle that are going to stay healthy through the entire feeding process so that they can perform to their genetic potential. I have a list here of a couple of things that producers can keep in mind to keep those cattle buyers coming back year after year. The first is a quality modified live vaccination program. We want those cattle on a good pre-conditioning program and also we want them to consider a good micro-mineral program. And ideally we'd want those calves to have a 45-day wean on them — that is going to keep those cattle healthy through the entire feeding process."


Prewett says if ranchers raise healthy quality cattle, buyers will continue to seek

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