Ranchers Provide Beef at Mobil Food Bank Distribution
Washington state ranchers participated in another Beef Counts food distribution. Washington Beef Commission Director of Digital Strategies Bridget Coon saysCoon: "Last week the Beef Counts program made its way up to Okanogan where about a dozen cattlemen and cattlewomen volunteered for a mobile food distribution with our partner Second Harvest. There the truck came up and provided 1,000s of pounds of food for the local community — that stays there. Including 750 pounds of ground beef provided by the Beef Counts program and AgriBeef."
Coon continues with additional details about the day's activities.
Coon: "That day 139 local families representing more than 400 people in the community were served. And 9400 pounds of food in total made its way to that area and will be available to others in need in Okanogan throughout the week.
She shares an overview of how the Beef Counts has given to hungry families in need.
Coon: "Since 2010, we have raised over $620,000 to provide beef to the food bank and that has equated to almost one million servings. We will achieve over one million servings of beef to our neighbors in need this year."
Those are the numbers for Washington's Beef Counts Program —- Idaho's program has had amazing results as well.