Are You Complying With The New Farm Worker Protection Standards?
I'm Susan Allen with your Washington State Farm Bureau Report. The Ag Industry is lucky to have such a great resource, the Washington State Department of Agriculture's farm worker education program, Supervisor Ofelio Borges, explains.BORGES: Our program is unique because we are approaching education from different perspectives, we are talking with growers about how to comply with the worker protection standards, we are providing training for pesticide handlers and us are now developing new training programs like pesticide calibration, we call it pesticide application equipment pest management practices.
They partner with a host of ag organizations,
BORGES:We work with the Washington Farm Bureau for instance, we have worked with Washington State Tree Fruit Association, with the Association of Wine Grape Growers also educational institutions such as Washington State University and community colleges.
For growers or companies worried about complying with the new worker protection standards, Borges g recommends a workshop; you provide the facility, and lunch, recruit the audience, and his group will come and bring all their training equipment and supplies and do the training. The Department of Labor and Industries has also played a very important role; they have been providing one trainer that works for us. Susan Allen with The Fruit Grower Report.