Season Pass
Season Pass. I'm Greg Martin with today's Fruit Grower Report.wafla has been presenting a number of seminars designed to help employers with various issues including labor problems. Dan Fazio says it's not too late to buy a season pass for the upcoming seminars.
FAZIO: You know it's spring and spring means farmers are busy and so are we here at wafla, the HR association for farmers in Washington, Oregon and Idaho. I wanted to take a minute and update you on our most convenient training program, it's called a webinar and how it works is we take a hot topic like this ICE I-9 audit that we're finding more of, we find an expert to talk about it; we send the farmers handouts and then from 11am until noon on Tuesdays or Thursdays, the expert discusses the topic through a Powerpoint presentation that's broadcast over the internet.
There's time for questions during the presentation and attendees get a copy of the presentation.
FAZIO: Right now we have 24 webinars scheduled for 2016. We've published the first 12 of the webinars on our website, You can sign up for an entire season pass and get signed up for all the webinars throughout the year. People that don't want a whole season pass can sign up for a six-pack. You pre-purchase six webinars and get a 20% discount that way.
These passes allow you a significant discount over individual prices.
That's today's Fruit Grower Report. I'm Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network of the West.