Specialty Crop Assistance

Specialty Crop Assistance

Specialty Crop Assistance. I'm Greg Martin with today's Fruit Grower Report.

Do you grow any specialty crops? Mike Louisell with WSDA says there may be some financial help for you.

LOUISELL: The agricultural industry and Washington State Department of Agriculture are always looking for innovative ways to promote the state's specialty crop growers. Now specialty crop growers include fruits, vegetables, tree nuts and nursery crop producers and Washington State is the second largest producer of specialty crops in the United States, second only behind California.

Louisell says they are looking for proposals for innovative projects to support the state's specialty crops.

LOUISELL: To help further growers needs that would have research implications that would improve our specialty crop. maybe in some economic fashion or ability to prevent pests and diseases from impacting their crops. We're looking for innovative technologies, ways to improve production practices.

More than $4 million in grant funding is available to support Washington's specialty crop industry. You can apply on the WSDA website.

LOUISELL: There's examples of funded projects right on our website, what we funded last year, 24 projects of a little over - I think it was $4.1 million at that time, they'll see the types of research that Washington State University is doing and the Red Raspberry Commission

That's today's Fruit Grower Report. I'm Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network of the West.

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