Stopping Poaching

Stopping Poaching

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
A tool against poachers. I don't know anything, and I mean anything, that infuriates me more than poachers. You see it all a time on National Geographic in Africa. I get all kinds of press releases from fish and game officials from all over the Northwest showing pictures of a dead cow elk or an eagle or a bear... Sometimes even livestock that have been shot and killed and lay wasting away on the ground. Well some good news and I hope that good news results in throwing somebody's you know what in prison. According to the online publication goHunt, Oregon State Police's game enforcement unit now has an infrared thermal imaging unit courtesy of the Capital and Mid-Willamette chapters of the Oregon Hunters Association (OHA). The unit should help identify poachers "trying to evade law enforcement during the night, along with animals killed illegally," "This unit will give law enforcement the ability to see at night by detecting any heat," "The body heat from poachers will give them away, and the heat of animals killed will also show up, allowing use as evidence." Here's Sportsmen's Warehouse sales associate Jeris Hobert:

"Infrared" cameras allow you to take a picture at night without a giant flash. It gives a low glow pulse that throws out a projected picture...a pulse that reflects back and becomes the picture. The cameras can go frame by frame or take videos."

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