Determining How Much Hay to Feed Per Cow
Most ranchers know the rule of thumb when it comes to how much feed is needed per cow per day. Cow feed requirements are 2 and 1/2 percent of body weight on a dry matter basis. However, Performix Nutrition Systems Animal Nutritionist and Consultant Marty Gill says there several factors that can make a big difference on whether your estimates are correct —- remembering to adjust it to a dry basis which means and additional 10 percent to account for hay moisture and accurately estimating your cows weights. Gill says that there are aren’t as many 1,000 pound cows out there today.Gill: “When you compare that to a 1,300 pound cow — and in my travels I see a lot more 1,300 pound cows than 1,000 cows —- but doing that same math on a 1,300 pound cow is 36.1 pounds of hay per head day to meet her needs and that is basically a 30 percent increase over a 1,000 pound cow. So i encourage producers to realistically look at body size and get some weights on your cows or just look at your cull cows that you sell and feed them accordingly. Because if you are only feeding them 25 pounds of hay — frankly you are cheating some of them. As we get closer to calving and after calving, their nutrient requirements go up to produce milk so now is not the time to be short.”