Regional Weekly Hay Report

Regional Weekly Hay Report

Here is USDA Grain and Livestock Reporter Greg Sanders with the Columbia Basin Hay report from last week.
Sanders: “Compared to last Friday, premium alfalfa and export alfalfa were steady to weak in a light test. We had a little bit of 4800 tons of hay trade this week. Premium alfalfa that was tarped sold for $175 to $195. Good to premium alfalfa sold for $145 and export hay good to premium sold for $140 delivered. Small square alfalfa for retail/stable market sold for $250 to $265. Orchard grass for the retail market small square bales sold at $260 to $275. Timothy that was weedy in mid-square bales sold at $125. Oat hay for the retail/stable market sold at $150.
In Idaho trade was slow last week with continued light demand. Some interest was noted this week from California buyers. Mid-square premium alfalfa organic bales sold for $260 per ton. Oat mid-square bales rated fair to good sold between $45 and 50 a ton.
In Oregon, the prices trended generally steady in comparison to the previous week. The upcoming holidays have slowed hay sales.In Central Oregon, small square bales of alfalfa rated premium sold for $250 per ton for the retail/stable market. In Eastern Oregon small squares of premium orchard grass bales for retail and stable sold for $190 per ton. In Klamath Basin good to premium small square alfalfa bales sold between $175 and $180 per ton for the retail/stable market. In Harney County, large fair squares of alfalfa that had rain damage sold for $135 a ton.


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