Trivapro Syngenta's Three Mode of Action Fungicide For Wheat

Trivapro Syngenta's Three Mode of Action Fungicide For Wheat

Syngenta's Trivapro fungicide for wheat, offers a longer-lasting control of disease and crop enhancement benefits to maximize yield potential and return on investment. Syngenta Technical Fungicide Lead Eric Tedford shares more details.

Tedford: "Trivapro adeptly named because it is the combination of three active ingredients. Wheat growers were recognize the benefits of that is that you have three broad sprectrum chemistries that come together that all control the key diseases of wheat. Because we have different modes of action, there is less likely to develop resistance — the fungi are less likely to develop resistance to those AIs. So what that brings is a good level of control against diseases that affect wheat. And what that also does — we see benefits in terms of yield of quality by protecting the crop and allowing the wheat to better recognize its full yield potential. So the combination of the three really also has other benefits in the fact that it is combination of two proactive active ingredients and one curative. What that means to the grower is that they have that flexibility if they go out and make an application and infections have already occurred — say stripe rust on wheat but you don't see the lesions yet. The triaolzol component of the mixture will in and shut down those infections. Where as the two preventative components of the fungicide will then protect the rest of the crop so that you stop the disease and then you prevent it from further spoilating and moving and spreading around."

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