Weekly Regional Hay Market Update

Weekly Regional Hay Market Update

Here is USDA Grain and Livestock Reporter Greg Sanders with the Columbia Basin Hay report from last week.
Sanders: “Washington Oregon Columbia Basin weekly Hay Report, we had a little over 19,000 tons trade this week. Compared to last Friday, premium alfalfa firm in a light test. Trade was slow for both export and domestic markets as both have adequate supplies. Alfalfa good and premium for export quality — we had 6,000 tons trade at $180 to $200 per ton. Small square bales for retail and stable markets $250 to $265 FOB. Alfalfa in the wind row at $165 for export markets. Timothy grass for exports at premium quality at $180 FOB.”
In Idaho compared to previous week, good Alfalfa was steady. Trade was slow to moderate. Demand was light to moderate with a very light demand on low quality supplies. Scattered rain showers throughout the trade area and high humidity made putting up quality hay difficult to do. Alfalfa large square rated premium sold for $185 per ton. Timothy grass premium large squares sold for $185 per ton.
In Oregon, compared to previous week, prices trended generally steady compared to the same quality the previous week. In Central Oregon small square alfalfa bales rated premium sold at $240 per ton. In Eastern Oregon supreme large square bales of alfalfa sold for $190 per ton. Harney County reported premium large square alfalfa sold for $205 per ton. In Klamath Basin supreme small square alfalfa sold for $240 per ton.


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