General Bear Hunting

General Bear Hunting

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.
A general conversation with big-game outfitter from the state of Washington, Mike Jenkins, and the topic is bears. In Washington state it is illegal to hunt with hounds or to use bait. Oregon is the same way so the predator population is out of control . I have about 12 game cameras in the field and I have bear's weekly on every one of my cameras. Great bear populations but they are very elusive. Not many people see them. There are berries around, you can see tunnels and trails where the bears have just demolished berry patches. On one of my cameras I had seven bears in one day. They were coming down to eat berries. In the right area if you can set up and call, there are a lot of bears and they are eager to come to a call. My favorite call is a distress call a fawn in distress. Just a crying baby fawn. Those bears want some protein. Grass diets along with berries, a good protein source, that's the way to get those bears excited. I use my elk call, and most diaphragm.
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