Stripe Rust Found Scattered Throughout Pacific Northwest
Recently it is been reported that stripe rust has been discovered throughout the Pacific Northwest. Wind, humidity and rain weather conditions are conducive to disease flare-ups across the region within the next week or so. It is important to continue scouting and monitoring grain fields for signs of the disease. Syngenta Ag Agronomist Don Drader sharesDrader: “Stripe Rust is being found in scattered areas throughout the Pacific Northwest. We are getting reports from field men and also positive identification from Universities that we do have Stripe Rust in the area. What we are encouraging growers to do is to go out there and scout their fields now and look in the draws where there is a higher humidity where they are very likely for the Rust to show up first. On winter wheat they have probably already put down a preventive spray with their herbicide application — an application like Quilt Xcel at 7 oz.. Now that they are later in the season, they may want to consider coming back with a full label rate of 10 oz and give that plant that protection for the rest of the season.
For spring wheat since much has yet to be sprayed, Drader encourages growers to use the 7 oz rate of Quilt Xcel with their herbicide application and to continue scouting for stripe rust.