Jay LaJoie I am the USPB
Today we will speak to Jay LaJoie. He and his family run a fifth generation Northern Maine potato operation where his role is Farm Business Manager. Although the farm began as a traditional fresh grower for the retail market, within the last decade they’ve diversified their products and now grow for all sectors of the industry — processing, fresh, seed stock and chip. They currently grow seven varieties of potatoes. He lists several things as most exciting aspect of being involved on the United States Potato Board board — the excellent staff, the expanding of foreign and domestic markets as well asLaJoie: “And working hand-in-hand with that is the information we’ve recently obtained from APRE — the Alliance for Potato Research and Education. This information can be used to educate the consumer on how healthy the potato actually is. These facts, the team at the Potato Board and the new markets they are working are on, is really exciting. I’m optimist about the future and glad to be a part of that.”
He is serving in his first year as a USPB member and says he has learned a lot about the USPB and how they serve the industry and looks forward to continuing to learn more in the future.
LaJoie: “I am Jay LaJoie and I AM the USPB!”