Pacific Northwest Hay Update
Here with the weekly hay update is USDA Grain and Livestock Reporter Greg Sanders who shares last week’s hay report.Sanders: “Columbia Basin Hay Report, we had a little over 11,260 tons trade last week. Supreme alfalfa delivered to the dairy sold for $255. Premium quality export hay sold at $225. Fair to good export hay sold for $205 to $215 export large square bales. Alfalfa for the retail/stable market premium sold for $260 to $270. Timothy grass for export large square premium sold for $220 to $225.”
In Idaho compared to the previous week, alfalfa was steady to firm in a light test. Trade very slow last week as buyers try to market higher testing 4th cutting. Demand was good for non-rained supplies and there was light demand for heavy rained on supplies. Large square premium alfalfa sold for $220 per ton.
In Oregon, there was a much higher volume of trade compared the week before with most farmers either in the process or having finished cutting and baling their 3rd or 4th cutting depending on location. Central Oregon small square alfalfa premium hay sold between $255 and $260 per ton. Good orchard grass small squares for retail brought $245 per on. Eastern Oregon Large square algal rated supreme ranged between $220 and $227 per ton. Harney County large square supreme alfalfa sold for $265 per ton.