Dog Recovering From Mountain Lion Encounter ??Here's a public service announcement for all of you sportsmen out there who are looking forward to going bird hunting with your beloved dog. Be careful and here's why. A German shorthaired pointer is recovering from injuries following an early morning confrontation with a suspected mountain lion in a west Boise neighborhood. The incident recently took place in a Boise neighborhood. ?According to the homeowner, the dog went to the backyard early in the morning before daylight. Shortly thereafter, the dog yelped and ran back into the house through the dog door. The witness glanced outside and saw the lion crouched on the back porch. Moments later, the lion ran around the corner of the house and disappeared. ?A Fish and Game conservation officer responded, interviewed the witness and found evidence at the scene that confirmed the report. Here's Fish and Game spokesperson Evan O'Neill: "It's likely a yearling lion, on its own for the first time in its life. Finding sufficient food can be difficult, and young lions often view domestic pets as easy meals." ?The cat's whereabouts are unknown at this time. Area pet owners are advised to keep a close watch on their pets in the coming days and turn lawn flood lights on when putting pets outside during early morning hours.