Here is a small snippet coming from the American antiquities act of 1906. "That the President of the United States is hereby authorized, in his discretion, to declare by public proclamation historic landmarks, historic and prehistoric structures, and other objects of historic or scientific interest that are situated upon the lands owned or controlled by the Government of the United States to be national monuments." Well, groups are forming across the state in opposition to the formation of a 591,000 acre national Monument in the Boulder White Cloud Mountains. The Boulder White Clouds are in the central part of the state. The formation of the monument could come later in the year. That would have President Obama using the obscure antiquities act. The act was designed to protect cultural areas buildings but now our president can use it for almost anything with very little oversight. The groups feel there is no justification for the Obama administration to use the act. Idaho Gov. Butch Otter also has concerns about the use of the heavy-handed antiquities act. "It always seems like when there is a democrat in the White House they have this preoccupation with saving stuff. I think that particular to the White Clouds area, all of the deals that they have made in the past, they have never followed through. Once they get it locked up, then everybody abandons all of those people that they have made all those promises to. That is what I am saying. The reason that it is so beautiful and the reason it is like it is is because we have protected it.