Birth of a Winery
The birth of a winery.When I received the business card at the farmers market, it had the name, the phone number, email and website. When I looked at fax, it said these still exist? I knew right then and there that Split Rail Winery must have something unique to offer. I called Jed Glavin to find out how he got started. "You say you are at work, what is work? I thought work would be Split Rail Winery. (Laughter) the winery is teeny right now so we only do 300 cases which may sound like a lot but that is only about 1/10 as big as the normal wineries in Idaho right now. We are just a little teeny winery right now so we both still have day jobs. We are tossing around the idea of doing something different but for now, we just kind of do the winery on the side and eke out enough time to make it work. Why did you start? It is wine a great passion? It is. I grew up in a big wine family, my parents were really big into food and wine, and one of their really good friends owned a wine store when we were kids. So we always grew up with wine around the table. As we went to college, my wife and I spent a lot of time over in Walla Walla. We went back and forth from there and we started to make wine in our garage five years ago. We would bring grapes back and forth from Walla Walla and then we started tasting Idaho wines and said to ourselves, wow Idaho wines are getting pretty awesome. So we got really stoked about Idaho wines and then just kind of started our own label to see if we could make something happen with it.