Immigration Reform Heat Up

Immigration Reform Heat Up

Immigration Reform Heat Up. I'm Greg Martin with today's Fruit Grower Report.

It won't be long now before orchardists are clambering for hands to pick cherries, pears and apples but the question is will there be enough labor for the job? As the debate continues over comprehensive immigration reform, America's farmers have expressed anguish over not having an updated policy. United Farm Workers' Arturo Rodriguez.

RODRIGUEZ: It's important for our economy and for our food supply. It's very important as well for our food safety and for consumers to be able to get a plentiful supply.

Comprehensive immigration reform is one of those things that while everyone is talking about it, it doesn't appear that anyone is doing anything about it...and in fact there are those on Capitol Hill that believe it just will not get done during Obama's term in office. One year ago, the Senate passed a bill that would  have created a path to citizenship for millions of unauthorized immigrants. To date, the House has failed to produce legislation that would allow even the most narrow classes of immigrants to remain in the United States permanently. Speaker of the House, John Boehner has insisted publicly that House Republicans are getting closer to consensus on legislation that addresses these immigrants' legal limbo. President Obama's senior advisor Valerie Jarrett said that the White House has "a commitment from Speaker Boehner" on immigration reform. But that turns out to be lost in translation as she puts it. Adding that Boehner was committed to "trying."

That's today's Fruit Grower Report. I'm Greg Martin on the Ag Information Network.

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