Secretary Vilsack Address Commodity Classic Attendees

Secretary Vilsack Address Commodity Classic Attendees

On Friday, UDSA Secretary Tom Vilsack spoke at the Commodity Classic in San Antonio. He thanked those in the audience and the commodity organizations represented in helping to getting the Farm Bill passed. Here is a portion of what Vilsack had to say.

Vilsack: “So with the passage of the farm bill, it seems to me that at USDA we have three basic responsibilities. We need to continue the profitability of large-scale commercial sized operations. We need to continue to promote programs and policies that will ensure that profitability will remain. Commercial size operations are important to this country and to our ability to continue to feed our people and the world's people. At the same time, we have the responsibility to preserve and expand mid-sized operations coming up with new ways to create income opportunities so folks don't necessarily have to give up the farm. For me, that's extremely important and I know it is for you as well. And our final responsibility to assist smaller-sized operations, those that are our beginning farmers and ranchers, women, minorities, social disadvantaged, our returning Veterans who are interested in reconnecting with the land. We have a responsibility to enable them to start and stay in this business. Our farm bill, which you helped pass for me, creates a hopeful set of opportunities and rewards and will invest some in innovation.?"



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