Silage Zone Provides Timely Resource For Forage Growers
For forage growers looking for timely online management information now the is an intelligent alternative to just googling the term forage. The newly redesigned The Silage Zone® resource on is now organized based on forage growers’ seasonal activities as DuPont Pioneer Global Forages Sr Marketing Manager Kyle Whitaker explainsWhitaker: “The Silage Zone is based on five key areas: plant, grow, harvest, store and feed. What we are trying to do with this is provide real relative and timely information to both dairymen and beef producers that kind of helps walk them through that continuum of forage production. So that they have good information and they can hopefully maximize the value of the feed they are producing.”
Whitaker says that the goal of the redesign was to make it easier for growers searching for information.
Whitaker: “What we are trying to do now is simplify it and make it very easy for people to find the information; as you know sometimes it is difficult to navigate on a website and locate information or they may have to go to a lot of places. Our goal with this is to get them in to a place where they can really find the information very easily and hopefully get things that are real pertinent to their particular question.”