1-3 IAT Mercury
Fear of mercury tainted fish overblown. Nutrition experts claim that seafood is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle because Its proteins, vitamins and fatty acids contribute to improved cardiovascular and neurological health, and—if broiled, barbecued, microwaved or steamed without rich condiments—it's generally lower in fat than other animal proteins.A common misperception is that seafood only comes from the ocean when in fact seafood is both fresh and saltwater marine life. And freshwater fish are often perceived as being tainted with mercury. But a Twin Falls-based Extension educator says many consumers are confused about the perceived versus actual risks of mercury and other contaminants in seafood. Here's Gary Fornshell: "People tend to fear things that are unknown, such as mercury when in fact the risks of becoming ill are caused by more mundane things, less exotic such as bacteria, and viruses which is primarily caused by improper handling and temperature abuse. People fear the unknown artificial things when it's the known and everyday things that actually pose the greatest risks in food which is bacteria. So the fear of mercury in freshwater fish is overblown. It's actually reduced the consumption of fish."