11-27 IAN  No Ethanol

11-27 IAN No Ethanol

David Sparks Ph.D.
David Sparks Ph.D.

One wonders why we continue to go to the polls and vote. Big government has become so over the top weighted down by moronic maneuvers that it boggles the imagination. What is it that happens in the political process that renders politicians, who may have started their career with the best intentions in mind, to make so many blunders. Here you have the mayor of Toronto smoking crack. Here you have the President of the United States who can’t even launch a website. Aginfo.net is working pretty effectively and we don’t have one billionth the budget that Obama had for his website. But I digress. Recent news from the Associated Press suggests that corn should not be in gas tanks, it should be in the feeding bins of cattle. He was executive director of the Idaho Cattlemen’s Association Wyatt Prescott: “it is virtually impossible for cattle producers to feed their cattle and compete for feedstuff when there was a government subsidy on producing that product for fuel. As near as we can tell, all of the government big shots are starting to figure out that a renewable energy policy is just flat out not working. There was a large AP article that talked about the fact that the ethanol era has proven to be far more damaging to the environment than politicians promised and much worse than the government admits today and it went on to elaborate that the government’s predictions of the benefits have proven so inaccurate that the scientists now question whether or not it will ever reach its central environmental goal which is reduce greenhouse gasses which we could’ve told them in the first place.

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