Every body talks about biomass and the conversion of this material into energy as though it is a brand new discovery. New Energy Corporation co-founder Dean Tiessen has a different viewpoint on that based on history. "As it relates to how far we have come and sometimes I wonder actually how far we have come and what we can learn, I visited a company in Georgia who has had a century's worth of generations within their family that have been working on gasification and they have built some of the best gasifier's for producing energy gases out of ethanol for running through reciprocating engines. In the lobby of their facility they had some of what their great grandfather was building at the time, these tractors and steam engines that would run on wood where they would pack an area with in these units with wood and it would gasify and these gases would run through a reciprocating engine which was so different and it wasn't that it was burnt, it was gasified such a long time ago and actually powering things with biomass and it is so funny just mentioning to someone that has been running the company and he says we have come such a long way. Many times it is just a little bit shinier that we have only improved on things that have been done a long time ago.